
T2 is specifically designed to broker the sale of instruments and bows to the international violin trade. An emphasis on speculative and restorable items makes our auctions attractive to makers, restorers and dealers.

We will gladly consider any instrument or bow for consignment to a future sale. Please send us a description of the item, including the name of the maker or attribution, the exact wording of the label or stamp, the condition and repair history of the item, weights and measurements where appropriate and any information regarding certificates or other documentation.

Photographs can be uploaded here or emailed to

Seller Premiums

Upon successful sale, T2 charges a sellers premium and an insurance charge as specified in your consignment agreement.

Sale Proceeds

Sale proceeds are paid 30 days after the close of the auction, or 10 days after we receive payment from the buyer, whichever is the later. You will also receive a full statement showing commission, insurance and expenses where applicable.

For more information about selling with T2, please see our Terms of Use.